In an atom, the fundamental unit of positive charge is the proton, and there are also neutrons and electrons. Light comes in photons.
Therefore, the fundamental unit of...
Population | is the | person. |
Corn | is the | meson. |
The Apocalypse | is the | armageddon. |
Whiteness | is the | Anglo-Saxon. |
Patella size | is the | neon. |
Frustration | is the | argon. |
Mummy | is the | krypton. |
Pirates | is the | radon. |
Boat | is the | galleon. |
Pallindrome | is the | noon. |
Far Side | is the | Garylarson. |
Attraction | is the | klingon. |
Unpopular Presidency | is the | Johnson. |
Distance Communication | is the | phonon. |
Stickiness | is the | gluon. |
Dullness | is the | boron. |
Atkins Diet | is the | carbon. |
Speakers | is the | boson. |
Gravedigger | is the | baryon. |
Dessert Tarts | is the | pion. |
Cold places | is the | polaron. |
Cheesiness | is the | tachyon. |
Cow | is the | muon. |
Luggage | is the | carryon. |
Carcasses | is the | carrion. |
Stupidity | is the | moron. |
English | is the | briton. |
Southern Girls | is the | gallon. |
Distance Running | is the | marathon. |
Pirate Attacks | is the | radon. |