Beauty Pageants

We have Miss America capturing the attention of our nation all year long. But surprisingly I found that "Misamerica" isn't a word. Maybe it should be. Or maybe we should have some pageants like these:

The beauty pageant for criminals is Misdemeanor.
The beauty pageant for carnival palm readers is Misfortune.
The beauty pageant for wealthy heiresses is Mistrust.
The beauty pageant for telephone operators is Miscommunication.
The beauty pageant for senators is Misrepresentation.
The beauty pageant for silo operators is Missle.
The beauty pageant for eminent domain proponents is Mistaking.
The beauty pageant for torch-wielders is Misfire.
The beauty pageant for borrowers is Misappropriation.
The beauty pageant for glitch abusers is MISSINGNO..
The beauty pageant for faction members is Misaligned.
The beauty pageant for mail carriers is Missive.
The beauty pageant for B. F. Skinner fans is Misbehavior.
The beauty pageant for localized women is Misplace.
The beauty pageant for confused people is Misunderstanding.
The beauty pageant for mathematicians is Miscalculation.
The beauty pageant for English majors is Misspelling.
The beauty pageant for symphony leaders is Misconduct.
The beauty pageant for tempermental people is Misfit.
The beauty pageant for leaders is Mischief.
The beauty pageant for quacks is Misdiagnosis.
The beauty pageant for malcontents is Misery.
The beauty pageant for counselors is Misguidance.
The beauty pageant for magistrates is Misjudge.
The beauty pageant for plants is Mistletoe.
The beauty pageant for rulers is Mislead.
The beauty pageant for firestarters is Mismatch.
The beauty pageant for data gatherers is Mismeasure.
The beauty pageant for completely unattractive people is Misnomer.
The beauty pageant for male supremists is Misogyny.